Where is the fine line between encouraging a certain way of living, and forcing a certain image? An image that undoubtedly never fails to glorify habits that are unhealthy for the self, and others. Social norms and new standards of manhood are constantly growing and manifesting unfortunate levels of toxicity among men, pressuring an uphold of certain appearances that are becoming difficult for a man to maintain.
A woman walking the streets at night. A girl playing with her hula hoop. Another woman standing in the shadows. Which one is you?
The phone rang. I picked it up. I cried. I’d been interviewing for a publicity assistant position at an independent publishing house. It was the ….
Lava on the tips of your gown you come forward, angels drown gathered under the eclipsed sun crumbling castles collapse behind you molten clouds gush ….
Alina: A Song for the Telling by Malve von Hassell tells the story of Alina, a 14-year-old girl in 12th century France who has lost ….
If I said the word ‘housewife’, the first thing that would come to mind is a woman who doesn’t work. Digging even deeper, perhaps a ….
Have you ever imagined what it’d be like to live life trapped within four walls? A year ago none of us really thought much about this until it happened and we were told to stay inside.
We’re drawing close to the Regional Independent Bookshop of the Year Award at the British Book Awards, with the shortlisted shops chosen. Obviously, the past year has been very different from usual, for all of us but especially for bookshops! To find out more, I wanted to get in touch with some of my favourite shortlisted bookshops, asking what they had been up to over the past year and how it had worked.
Usually, it’s just grey. A phantom grey with the ghost of what could have been haunting my one decade of living. Barely living. Surviving – maybe.
I take my leavefrom soft places.Known for an attemptat makeshift grandeur.At the close of a duska gas lamp assumedmonstrous proportion.To outshine and outsize,running lights in ….