Hi. My name is Fran, as in Francesca. Not Fan as in fanatic or lunatic, or that thing you use to refresh yourself. Not Fra ….
Category: Interlude Monologues
Mind and body. Can they exist separately or do we need them both to claim our own existence?
The seagulls. The rain that is pouring outside. The pain of a girl who’s been coming to this place for 11 years. With constant fear and fight, how do you keep going?
Life is like a switch; sometimes it can be on, other times can be off and the decisions you make often decide which direction that switch is going to take.
A woman walking the streets at night. A girl playing with her hula hoop. Another woman standing in the shadows. Which one is you?
Have you ever imagined what it’d be like to live life trapped within four walls? A year ago none of us really thought much about this until it happened and we were told to stay inside.
Playing chess can be fun but it can also be daunting and leave you second-guessing your every intention. It requires patience and strategy to win the game. What happens in a relationship, when it becomes apparent two people are merely players in a game of chess?