The seagulls. The rain that is pouring outside. The pain of a girl who’s been coming to this place for 11 years. With constant fear and fight, how do you keep going?
Feminist books have always been my favourite reads, as an early teen I became extremely interested in political and feminist literature, Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale ….
My long life full of strife has made me a witness to humanity’s tragedies. You see, dear receiver, I am something that transcends your war and your diseases. Yet, this cursed era hurts me just as much as it hurts you. Know that this is a terrifying time. Such a time where love is locked up and touch is hidden away from all who need it. How can we forget the bittersweet tastes of the past that have overshadowed this lonely era?
On these afternoons,I want to makea crowd of well-wishersrecognize me.Take The Canarsie Lineto Houston and Delancey:then pass the killing door.To hear the awful noiseof those ….
The best thing about this book, apart from the characters, is the story itself. It’s full of adventure, quests of self-discovery and sense-making of the world as it is, has been and should be. It carries a very important message of warning for humanity of what the future could hold for us if we don’t change our present.
No matter what discipline you choose to pursue, it’s vital to remember that any knowledge you gain, will remain invaluable. Any contribution, is a contribution that will continue to change the way we think and progress, no matter in what register that may occur.
Life is like a switch; sometimes it can be on, other times can be off and the decisions you make often decide which direction that switch is going to take.
They keep trying to pull the book out of her hand as she cries, ‘no, please, I need to keep reading.’
If she stops reading the demons of the real world would swallow her into the darkest corners of herself.
They don’t get it.
You have a little cruel streak
How come you’re never smiling when I look at you?
You have very soft hands
No one will love you with thighs that fat
One in ten people are asthmatics, and three people die of asthma in the UK every day, although many cases of asthma are not as severe. These numbers look like 300 million patients and 250,000 deaths a year around the world.